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For a list of all available competitions this year, click here. 


Competition Rules


1. For Regional Competition Divisions, competing schools must be member institutions of Region 2 and in good standing.  At this time all available competitions are for Region 2 members only (no open competitions). 
2.  Specific competition teams are for undergraduate students ONLY and other(s) are for graduate students ONLY.
For the full list of competitions categories, refer to the website.
For the undergraduate competitions, all team members must be full-time undergraduate students but can be from other programs besides Construction Management (Engineering, Architecture, etc.).
For the graduate competitions, all team members must be full-time graduate students but can be from other programs besides Construction Management (Engineering, Architecture, etc.). â€‹
3. Each university with a team competing must have at least one faculty or full-time employed staff member who attends the conference with the students for the total duration of in-person events.  
4. Each team shall consist of not more than six student members.  Each competing student must have been registered previous to the Virtual Kickoff Event, substituting student members is strictly prohibited.
5. All students on a team are expected to contribute to the problem solution, including the presentation.
6. Students who are a part of the events as an Alternate (previously referred to as Shadow) are strictly prohibited from contributing to the problem solution, including the presentation, once the Virtual Kickoff Event has begun. 
7. At the time of commencement of the Virtual Kickoff Event, all students on a team are to cease communicating with the faculty coach, alternates, and/or any other person for the purpose of acquiring knowledge or guidance on the problem solution, including the presentation. 
8. At the time of commencement of the Virtual Kickoff Event, all faculty  and coaches are to cease communicating with the students, alternates, and/or any other person for the purpose of team members acquiring knowledge or guidance on the problem solution, including the presentation. 
9. All students agree to abide by their university code of conduct during their participation in and attendance at the competition.  
10. Due to the nature of the competition and student preparation for the presentation, companies attending the career fair shall not intervene in or recruit on presentation day.   


Comments or questions about our site? Contact our Region 2 director. 

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